Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 3

Day 3
Although I have visited the oncology unit here @ mercy on several occasions, I don’t think that the thought ever crossed my mind that one day I would be staying here.
The food here is not so hot, so I am looking forward to some of my friends smuggling me something in. I guess I should glad that I have an appetite still. The nurses and staff her are incredible and I am enjoying getting to know them and becoming known by them. I have also met some of the other cancer patients here and they are some of the sweetest people that one could meet.

Heather has stayed with me the last couple of nights and it has made my time here much more bearable. Luckily she is so small; otherwise I don’t see how we could both fit on such a small bed. But we somehow make it work. It probably helps that the nurses are giving me Ambien to help me sleep at night and I once I fall asleep I go into a coma… Literally..

I have had two full days of chemo and have three to go before I am released for the weekend. I am so looking forward to being home in my own bed. Although the first two days have not been so bad, I am starting to feel the fatigue, and have noticed some definite symptoms to the meds. My throat is getting a little sore, and I have been getting the hick-ups something fierce. While I am grateful that it has not gotten that rough yet, and the nausea has not kicked in, I am told that the 6th day is usually when my white blood cells and platelets will be at their lowest.

I have decided not to shave my head until I have to. Sorry Rick :-) But I have been getting mixed messages about the whole hair loss thing. My MD has told me that I will lose my hair, and some of the other docs have said that there is a less than 10% chance. I should know soon, and if I start to see hair on my pillow or in the shower, I will be making a trip to the barber shop for a little trim.

Someone really encouraged me with this scripture the other day.

John 9:1-3
1As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. 2And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 3Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”.

1 comment:

  1. Chris you sound really positive! What an encouragement your story is already!
